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马帅1,王守鹏2,刘振陶1,孙国栋1,仵宵2,张震1▲.基于CiteSpace和VOSviewer《诸病源候论》导引法可视化分析[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(11):79-83        基金项目:山东省重点研发计划(2022CXGC020510);山东省中医药科技重点项目(2020Z20);山东省中医药科技青年项目(Q-2022137)
Visual analysis of Daoyin method of Zhubing Yuanhou Lun based on CiteSpace and VOSviewer
中文关键词:  诸病源候论;导引法;文献计量学;可视化分析;研究现状
英文关键词:Zhubing Yuanhou Lun; Daoyin method; Bibliometrics; Visual analysis; Research status
马帅1,王守鹏2,刘振陶1,孙国栋1,仵宵2,张震1▲ 1.山东第一医科大学第三附属医院 (山东省医学科学院附属医院)中医科,山东济南 250032;2.山东中医药大学康复医学院,山东济南 250355 
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      [摘要] 目的 基于文献计量学对《诸病源候论》导引法的国内外研究进行可视化分析,了解其研究现状与趋势。 方法 检索Web of Science与中国知网中《诸病源候论》导引法的相关研究,检索时间截至2022年12月31日。借助Microsoft Excel 2021、VOSviewer 1.6.19和CiteSpace 6.2.4对纳入文献的发文情况、发文作者、发文机构及关键词进行可视化分析。 结果 《诸病源候论》导引法相关研究发文量自2008年开始有明显增加。相关研究均由中国研究人员发表于国内期刊,各研究机构间缺乏交流合作。相关研究涉及学科领域宽泛且较为分散,近年来研究重点逐渐由单纯的理论研究转变为疾病的临床治疗,其中脑卒中、康复等是近年的研究热点。 结论 《诸病源候论》导引法的挖掘研究工作并不充分,缺乏合作及国际认可,今后应进一步深入开展相关基础研究及临床研究。
      [Abstract] Objective Based on bibliometrics, this paper makes a visual analysis of the domestic and foreign research on the Daoyin method of Zhubing Yuanhou Lun, so as to understand its research status and trends. Methods The related research on the Daoyin method of Zhubing Yuanhou Lun in the Web of Science and China National Knowledge Infrastructure was searched, and the end time of the retrieval was December 31, 2022. With the help of Microsoft Excel 2021, VOSviewer 1.6.19 and CiteSpace 6.2.4, this paper makes a visual analysis of the publishing situation, publishing authors, publishing institutions and keywords of the included articles. Results Since 2008, there had been a significant increase in the number of papers related to the Daoyin method of Zhubing Yuanhou Lun. All related research was published in domestic journals by China researchers, and there was a lack of communication and cooperation among research institutions. Related research involved a wide range of disciplines and was scattered. In recent years, the research focus has gradually changed from simple theoretical research to clinical treatment of diseases, among which stroke, rehabilitation, etc. were research hotspots in recent years. Conclusion The research work of the Daoyin method of Zhubing Yuanhou Lun is not sufficient and lacks cooperation and international recognition. In the future, relevant basic research and clinical research should be further carried out.
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