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郭怡然,杜兆江▲.原发性闭角型青光眼伴晶体不全脱位1例[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(10):188-191        基金项目:陕西省西安市卫生健康委员会科研项目(2022zp01)
Primary angle closure glaucoma with lens subluxation: a case report
中文关键词:  青光眼;晶体不全脱位;白内障手术;原发性闭角型青光眼
英文关键词:Glaucoma; Lens subluxation; Cataract surgery; Primary angle closure glaucoma
郭怡然,杜兆江▲ 西安市中心医院,陕西西安 710004 
摘要点击次数: 333
全文下载次数: 445
      [摘要] 原发性闭角型青光眼(PACG)发病基本因素是小眼球、短眼轴、远视眼,晶状体因素在其发病机制中 具有重要作用。诊断中常因角膜水肿、前节窥视不清或晶体轻度偏心、体征不明显而漏诊,从而出现常规用 药后眼压不降反升的情况。本例主诉为“左眼视力下降及左侧头痛 1 月”的患者就诊于眼科,诊断为原发性 急性闭角型青光眼,使用缩瞳药后眼压不降反升,后给予扩瞳药治疗,眼压下降,给予左眼白内障超声乳化 + 人工晶体植入术,术后眼压正常,角膜清亮,前房深度可。
      [Abstract] The basic factors of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) are microphthalmia, short axial length and hyperopia, and the lens factor plays an important role in its pathogenesis. The diagnosis is often missed because of corneal edema, unclear anterior segment or slight eccentricity of lens, and not obvious signs, so the intraocular pressure rises instead of falling after conventional medication. The patient of this case complained with “vision loss in the left eye and headache on the left side for one month” and was diagnosed as primary acute angle closure glaucoma. After using miotic drugs, the intraocular pressure did not decrease, but increased. After being treated with mydriatic drugs, the intraocular pressure decreased, and phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation were given to the left eye cataract. After operation, the intraocular pressure was normal, the cornea was clear and the depth of anterior chamber was acceptable.
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