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刘玉霞1,温路1,张刘晋2,安澜1,冷志伟3▲.我国医药制造业研发投入状况及其影响的实证研究[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(10):119-123        基金项目:
An empirical study on the status and impact of research and experimental development investment in China’s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry
中文关键词:  医药制造业;科技创新;研究与试验发展投入;专利产出
英文关键词:Pharmaceutical manufacturing industry; Technological innovation; Investment in research and experimental development; Patent output
刘玉霞1,温路1,张刘晋2,安澜1,冷志伟3▲ 1.中国医学科学院北京协和医院科研处,北京 100730;2. 山东大学公共卫生学院卫生管理与政策研究中心,山东济南 250012; 3. 北京协和医院临床医学研究所转化医学国家重大科技基础设施卫生政策与卫生经济研究平台,北京 100730 
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      [摘要]目的 分析我国医药制造业研发投入现况,探索其对科技创新产出的影响,进而为卫生健康科技创新 投入提出相关建议。方法 收集 2009 年 1 月至 2020 年 12 月我国内地 31 个省、自治区、直辖市(不含港、澳、 台)医药制造业研究与试验发展(R&D)支出、R&D 活动企业数、R&D 人员数、R&D 人员全时当量、年人均卫 生费用、每千人卫生人员数、人均受教育年限和有效发明专利数等数据,运用描述性统计分析医药制造业研 发投入的变化趋势、区域差距,建立面板数据计量经济学模型,分析医药制造业研发投入对有效发明专利数 的影响作用。结果 2009— 2020 年,我国医药制造业 R&D 经费投入总量从 154.5 亿元上升到 906.5 亿元,总 体增长 486.7%,年均增长 17.5%。面板计量经济学模型结果显示,创新企业个数、医药制造业研发投入和年 人均卫生费用对有效发明专利数的影响有统计学意义,具体为:每增加 1 个 R&D 活动企业,有效发明专利增 加 3.884 个;R&D 投入每增加 1 万元,有效发明专利增加 0.004 个;年人均卫生费用每增加 1 元,有效发明 专利增加 0.081 个。结论 2009— 2020 年,我国医药制造业研发投入对科技创新作用的推动作用具有积极意 义,建议未来进一步加强对医药创新企业的支持,继续增加医药制造业研发投入,并促进健康服务业发展,以 加快我国卫生健康科技创新。
      [Abstract] Objective To analyze the current situation of R&D investment in China’s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, explore its impact on technological innovation output, and provide relevant suggestions for investment in health and health technological innovation. Methods Data were collected from 31 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities in mainland China (excluding Hong kong, Macao and Taiwan) from January 2009 to December 2020, including research and experimental development (R&D) expenditures, number of R&D active enterprises, R&D personnel, full-time equivalent of R&D personnel, annual per capita health expenses, number of health personnel per thousand people, average education years per person, and number of effective invention patents. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to examine the changing trends and regional disparities in R&D investment in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. A panel data econometric model was established to analyze the impact of R&D investment in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry on the number of effective invention patents. Results From 2009 to 2020, the total R&D investment in China’s pharmaceutical manufacturing industry increased from 15.45 billion yuan to 90.65 billion yuan, an overall increase of 486.7%, with an average annual increase of 17.5%. The results of the panel econometric model showed that the number of innovative enterprises, R&D investment in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and annual per capita health expenditure had a statistically significant impact on the number of effective invention patents. Specifically, for every additional R&D activity enterprise, the number of effective invention patents increased by 3.884. For every 10 000 yuan increase in R&D investment, 0.004 effective invention patents will be added. Every time the annual per capita health expenditure increased by 1 yuan, the number of effective invention patents increased by 0.081. Conclusion From 2009 to 2020, the R&D investment in China's pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has a positive impact on promoting technological innovation. It is recommended to further strengthen support for pharmaceutical innovation enterprises in the future, continue to increase R&D investment in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry, and promote the development of the health service industry, in order to accelerate China's health technological innovation.
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