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刘甲兴,谢显学,曾清泽,蔡智伟,杨聪德.沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠对射血分数减低型心力衰竭合并高血压患者血压及相关指标的影响[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(9):139-143        基金项目:
Effect of Sacubitril Valsartan Sodium on blood pressure and related indicators in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction combined with hypertension
中文关键词:  沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠;射血分数;心力衰竭;高血压;血压
英文关键词:Sacubitril Valsartan Sodium; Ejection fraction; Heart failure; Hypertension; Blood pressure
刘甲兴,谢显学,曾清泽,蔡智伟,杨聪德 解放军联勤保障部队第九一〇医院,福建泉州 362000 
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      [摘要] 目的 探究沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠对射血分数减低型心力衰竭合并高血压患者血压及相关指标的影响。方法 将2021年1月至2022年12月解放军联勤保障部队第九一〇医院的116例射血分数减低型心力衰竭合并高血压患者根据随机数表法分为对照组(58例)和研究组(58例)。对照组进行常规心力衰竭及高血压治疗,研究组则在对照组的基础上应用沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠治疗。比较两组的治疗总有效率、治疗前后的血压水平、心功能指标[左心室射血分数(LVEF)、心输出量(CO)及每搏输出量(SV)]、左室重构相关指标[左室舒张末内径(LVEDD)、左室收缩末内径(LVESD)及室间隔厚度(IVST)]及素血管紧张素醛固酮系统(RAAS)指标[血管紧张素Ⅱ(Ang-Ⅱ)、醛固酮(ALD)及肾素活性(RA)]。 结果 研究组的治疗总有效率高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),治疗前两组的血压水平、心功能指标、左室重构相关指标及RAAS指标比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05),治疗8、16周研究组的血压水平、左室重构相关指标及RAAS指标均低于对照组,心功能指标则高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 沙库巴曲缬沙坦钠在射血分数减低型心力衰竭合并高血压患者中的应用效果较好,且可显著降低血压、改善心功能、逆转左室重构、降低RAAS指标。
      [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect of Sacubitril Valsartan Sodium on blood pressure and related indicators in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction combined with hypertension. Methods A total of 116 patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction combined with hypertension admitted to the 910th Hospital of PLA Joint Logistics Support Force from January 2021 to December 2022 were divided into a control group (58 cases) and a study group (58 cases) using a random number table method. The control group received routine treatment for heart failure and hypertension, while the study group received treatment with Sacubitril Valsartan Sodium based on the treatment of the control group. The total effective rate of treatment, blood pressure levels before and after the treatment, cardiac function indicators (left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF], cardiac output [CO], and stroke volume [SV]), left ventricular remodeling-related indicators (left ventricular end-diastolic diameter [LVEDD], left ventricular end-systolic diameter [LVESD], and interventricular septal thickness [IVST]) and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) indicators (angiotensinⅡ[Ang-Ⅱ], aldosterone [ALD], and renin activity [RA]) were compared between the two groups. Results The total effective rate of treatment in the study group was higher than that in the control group, with statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). Before the treatment, the blood pressure levels, cardiac function indicators, left ventricular remodeling-related indicators, and RAAS indicators were compared between the two groups, without statistically significant differences (P > 0.05). At 8 and 16 weeks of treatment, the blood pressure levels, left ventricular remodeling-related indicators, and RAAS indicators in the study group were significantly lower than those in the control group, while cardiac function indicators were higher than those in the control group, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Conclusion The application effect of Sacubitril Valsartan Sodium in patients with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction combined with hypertension is good, and it can significantly reduce blood pressure, improve heart function, reverse left ventricular remodeling, and reduce RAAS indicators.
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