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洪秋菊,刘仲彪,赵慧军.基于VOSviewer等软件的党参多糖研究现状可视化分析[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(9):70-73        基金项目:兰州职业技术学院院级科研项目(2021XY-16)
Visualization analysis of the research status quo of Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides based on VOSviewer and other software
中文关键词:  党参多糖;关键词共现;可视化图谱;热点;VOSviewer
英文关键词:Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides; Keywords co-occurrence; Visual atlas; Hot spots; VOSviewer
洪秋菊,刘仲彪,赵慧军 兰州职业技术学院健康学院,甘肃兰州 730070 
摘要点击次数: 348
全文下载次数: 484
      [摘要]目的 对党参多糖相关文献的研究现状、热点和趋势进行可视化分析。方法 检索1987年1月1日至2023年7月9日Web of Science核心合集、中国知网、万方数据知识服务平台和维普网收录的党参多糖相关文献,应用VOSviewer 6.1.19等软件进行可视化分析。结果 纳入研究的文献共411篇;涉及255个机构、1110位作者、208种期刊。International Journal of BiologicaI Macromolecules杂志发文量最多,《党参多糖对小鼠免疫和造血功能的影响》被引用量第一,发表论文最多的作者是山西医科大学的高建平。共有1288个关键词,主要形成8个关键聚类,主要关键词为提取工艺、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、免疫功能等。结论 党参多糖的研究热度呈上升趋势,制备工艺及药理学研究是党参多糖的研究热点。
      [Abstract] Objective To analyze visually the research status quo, hot spots, and trends of literature related to Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides. Methods The literature related to Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides collected from the core corpus of Web of Science, CNKI, Wanfang Data, and VIP from January 1, 1987 to July 9, 2023 were retrieved, and the visualization analysis was carried out by using VOSviewer 6.1.19 and other software. Results A total of 411 pieces of literature were included in the research, involving 255 institutions, 1110 authors and 208 periodicals. The International Journal of Biological Macromolecules had the largest number of literature, and the Pharmacological Action of Polysaccharides from Radix Codonopsis on Immune Function and Hematopoiesis in Mice had the largest number of citations. The author who published the most papers was GAO Jianping of Shanxi Medical University. There were 1288 keywords, which mainly formed 8 key clusters. The main keywords were extraction technology, anti-oxidation, anti-tumor and immune function. Conclusion The research heat of Codonopsis pilosula polysaccharides is on the rise, and the preparation technology and pharmacological research are the research hotspots in the field of polysaccharides from radix codonopsis.
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