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黄伍娟,刘云峰,顾小红,陈广香,汤夕姣,靳政玺.慢性肾脏病接受透析的患者经验性回避的研究进展[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(9):49-52        基金项目:江苏省苏州市科技发展计划(医疗卫生科技创新)项目(SKY2022195)
Research progress on experiential avoidance in patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis
中文关键词:  接受透析患者;经验性回避;负性情绪;认知行为疗法;接纳承诺疗法
英文关键词:Patients receiving dialysis; Experiential avoidance; Negative emotions; Cognitive behavioral therapy; Acceptance and commitment therapy
黄伍娟,刘云峰,顾小红,陈广香,汤夕姣,靳政玺 江苏省苏州市立医院北区肾内科,江苏苏州 215000 
摘要点击次数: 319
全文下载次数: 409
      [Abstract] Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has become one of the serious public health issues affecting global health, and dialysis is the main alternative treatment method for end-stage kidney disease patients. Patients who receive dialysis are often prone to psychological problems such as anxiety and depression due to the untreatable nature of the disease, discomfort during dialysis, and social and economic factors, as well as individual psychological characteristics and emotions. The psychological problems of dialysis patients not only lead to a decrease in patient compliance but also affect their quality of life and increase their mortality rate. Experiential avoidance has been proven to predict the mental health issues of patients with various diseases. This article reviews the influencing factors, effects, and intervention strategies of experiential avoidance in patients with CKD undergoing dialysis, providing a reference for improving the psychological disorders of patients with CKD undergoing dialysis.
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