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张明,李光智,林道斌.基于网络药理学对破格救心汤治疗急性心力衰竭主要活性成分及潜在靶点分析[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(7):191-194        基金项目:海南省卫生计生行业科研项目(20A200278)
Network pharmacological analysis of Poge Jiuxin Decoction in the treatment of acute heart failure
中文关键词:  网络药理学;破格救心汤;急性心力衰竭;分子对接
英文关键词:Network pharmacology; Poge Jiuxin Decoction; Acute heart failure; Molecular docking
张明,李光智,林道斌 广州中医药大学附属海南省中医院心血管科一病区,海南海口 570203 
摘要点击次数: 201
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      [摘要] 目的 运用网络药理学研究方法对破格救心汤(PJD)治疗急性心力衰竭(AHF)主要活性成分及核心靶基因进行分析。 方法 采用中药系统药理学分析平台获得破格救心汤的有效活性成分及作用靶点基因,然后通过GeneCards 数据库收集AHF疾病基因,然后对药物作用基因及疾病相关基因进行韦恩分析,确定药物作用交集靶点,然后取交集靶点进行综合分析。 结果 研究发现破格救心汤治疗AHF的主要活性成分为槲皮素、山柰酚、谷固醇、柚皮素、人参皂苷-Rh2等,主要调控的关键基因为胱天蛋白酶3、禽肉瘤病毒17的假定转化基因、血管内皮生长因子A、白细胞介素-1β、肿瘤蛋白p53、雌激素受体α、白细胞介素-6、低氧诱导因子-1A、肿瘤坏死因子和丝氨酸/苏氨酸激酶-1。 结论 本研究结果初步探讨了破格救心汤治疗AHF的基本药理作用及其机制,并为进一步的试验研究奠定了良好的基础。
      [Abstract] Objective To analyze the main active ingredients and core target genes of Poge Jiuxin Decoction (PJD) in the treatment of acute heart failure (AHF) using network pharmacology research methods. Methods The effective active ingredients and target genes of (PJD) were obtained by traditional Chinese medicine systems pharmacology database and analysis platform (TCMSP), and AHF disease genes were collected through the Gene Cards database. Then, Venn analysis was performed on the drug action genes and disease-related genes to determine the intersection action targets of drugs, and then the intersection targets were taken for comprehensive analysis. Results The study found that the main active ingredients of Poge Jiuxin Decoction in the treatment of AHF were quercetin, kaempferol, sitosterol, naringin, ginsenoside-Rh2, etc. The key regulatory genes were caspase-3, Jun proto-oncogene,AP-1 transcription factor subunit, vascular endothelial growth factor A, interleukin-1β, tumor protein p53, estrogen receptor 1, interleukin-1, hypoxia inducible factor-1A, tumor necrosis factor, and aerine/threonine kinase-1. Conclusion The results of this study preliminarily explore the basic pharmacological effects and mechanisms of Poge Jiuxin Decoction in the treatment of AHF, and lay a good foundation for further test research.
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