《中国医药科学》杂志欢迎您的投稿!.   今天是:        
贾本涛1,董天菊1▲,刘颖1,黎张双子1,乔国瑾1,罗尚荣1,董燕1,龙瑶1,余丽红2.肺部超声培训在重症监护室护士的临床价值[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(7):158-161        基金项目:贵州医科大学护理学科专项基金(YJ21064)
Clinical value of pulmonary ultrasound training for nurses in intensive care unit
中文关键词:  重症肺部超声;肺部评估;重症肺炎;肺部征象检出;胸部超声知识掌握度
英文关键词:Severe pulmonary ultrasound; Pulmonary assessment; Severe pneumonia; Detection of pulmonary signs; Mastery of chest ultrasound knowledge
贾本涛1,董天菊1▲,刘颖1,黎张双子1,乔国瑾1,罗尚荣1,董燕1,龙瑶1,余丽红2 1.贵州医科大学附属医院重症医学科,贵州贵阳 550004;2.贵州医科大学护理学院,贵州贵阳 550004 
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      [摘要] 目的 探讨重症监护室(ICU)护士培训及应用肺部超声评估重症肺炎的临床价值。 方法 以2021年9月至2023年3月贵州医科大学附属医院的20名ICU护士为研究对象,按照重症肺炎肺部超声技术培训的实施时间为节点,分为培训前和培训后。比较在培训前后护士对重症肺炎患者的肺部超声知识掌握度及肺部征象检出情况。 结果 培训后,ICU护士肺部超声专业基础知识、肺炎征象图形识别得分均高于培训前,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05);ICU护士对于各类肺部征象的识别准确率均高于培训前,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论 经过培训的ICU护士具有一定的肺部超声专业知识,能够较为准确地应用超声进行肺部评估,可实时监测肺部情况,增强肺部征象的检出准确率,从而指导重症肺炎患者的临床护理,在疾病早期预警干预等方面具有较高的临床价值。
      [Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical value of intensive care unit (ICU) nurse training and the application of pulmonary ultrasound in evaluating severe pneumonia. Methods A total of 20 ICU nurses in the Affiliated Hospital of Guizhou Medical University from September 2021 to March 2023 were taken as the research objects, and they were divided into the pre-training and the post-training group according to the implementation time of pulmonary ultrasound technology training for severe pneumonia. The knowledge of pulmonary ultrasound and the detection situation of pulmonary signs in patients with severe pneumonia were compared between the nurses before and after training. Results After training, ICU nurses’ basic knowledge of pulmonary ultrasound technology and the scores of pattern recognition of pneumonia signs were all higher than those before the training, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). The recognition accuracies of ICU nurses for various pulmonary signs were all higher than those before training, with statistically significant differences (P < 0.05). Conclusion Trained ICU nurses have certain professional knowledge of pulmonary ultrasound technology, and can accurately assess the lung by using ultrasound, monitor the pulmonary condition in real time, and enhance the detection accuracy of pulmonary signs, thus guiding the clinical nursing of patients with severe pneumonia, with relatively higher clinical value in early warning and intervention of diseases.
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