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余云飞1,农婵媛1,赵凯丽2,农明3,陶嘉怡1,韦桂源1▲.重型地中海贫血患儿父母创伤后成长的研究进展[J].中国医药科学,2024,14(7):42-45        基金项目:广西医疗卫生适宜技术开发与推广应用项目(S2020122)
Research progress on post-traumatic growth of parents of children with thalassemia major
中文关键词:  重型地中海贫血;父母;创伤后成长;心理干预
英文关键词:Thalassemia major; Parents; Post-traumatic growth; Psychological intervention
余云飞1,农婵媛1,赵凯丽2,农明3,陶嘉怡1,韦桂源1▲ 1.右江民族医学院,广西百色 533000;2.右江民族医学院附属医院泌尿外科一病区, 广西百色 533000;3.右江民族医学院附属医院重症医学科,广西百色 533000 
摘要点击次数: 207
全文下载次数: 188
      [Abstract] Thalassemia major is a common hereditary hemoglobin disease accompanied by severe anemia, which requires long-term blood transfusion and iron removal treatment during the treatment process. Thalassemia major not only causes significant physical and psychological trauma to children, affecting their quality of life, but also increases the economic burden on the entire family. In addition, during long-term treatment and care, parents are greatly affected mentally, resulting in negative emotions and unhealthy psychological conditions. Therefore, from the perspective of post-traumatic growth, this article reviews the concepts and research progress related to post-traumatic growth, the psychological characteristics and influencing factors of parents of children with thalassemia major, and intervention measures, in order to provide a basis for better psychological intervention for children with thalassemia major and their parents.
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