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冯叶彬1,林江明2,张伯秋1,林莹1,翁玲1,颜建英3▲.福建省某三甲专科医院“四证合一”医学专硕研究生科研能力培养体系探索与实践[J].中国医药科学,2023,(20):45-48        基金项目:福建医科大学教育教学改革研究项目(LCJ202015)
Investigation and practice on the cultivation system of "four certificates in one" medical postgraduates’scientific research ability in a tertiary specialized hospital in Fujian province
中文关键词:  四证合一;临床专硕;科研能力;量表;培养模式
英文关键词:Four certificates in one; Clinical masters; Scientific research ability; Scale; Cultivation mode
冯叶彬1,林江明2,张伯秋1,林莹1,翁玲1,颜建英3▲ 1.福建省妇幼保健院 福建医科大学妇儿临床医学院科教科,福建福州 350001;2.福建医科大学公共卫生学院,福建福州 350004;3.福建省妇幼保健院 福建医科大学妇儿临床医学院产科,福建福州 350001 
摘要点击次数: 155
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      [摘要]目的 对福建省某三甲专科医院临床专硕科研能力培养模式现状进行分析,对现培养模式的效果及存在的问题进行总结并提出完善建议。方法 对该院临床专硕培养模式2016—2017年改革前与2018年改革后的科研成果数据信息进行分析研究,抽取28名临床专硕进行访谈,收集访谈文本、科研能力自我测评量表等数据并进行分析。结果 2018年福建省某三甲专科医院临床专硕培养模式改革后,学生论文发表数量呈现上升趋势,28名临床专硕访谈内容显示,临床专硕的科研能力虽有提升但仍有待提高。结论 福建省某三甲专科医院“让临床专硕积极参与课题研究,将科研与临床结合”的培养模式初显成效,但仍有待进一步完善。
      [Abstract] Objective To analyze the status quo of the cultivation mode of clinical specialty and scientific research ability in a tertiary specialized hospital in Fujian province, summarize the effects and existing problems of the current cultivation mode, and put forward some suggestions for improvement. Methods Before the reform, in 2016-2017, and after the reform, in 2018, the data information of scientific research achievements of the cultivation mode of clinical masters in our hospital was analyzed, and 28 clinical masters were interviewed, and the interview texts, self-evaluation scale of scientific research ability and other data were collected and analyzed. Results In 2018, after the reform of the cultivation mode of clinical masters in a tertiary specialized hospital in Fujian province, the number of papers published by students showed an upward trend. According to the interviews with 28 clinical masters, although the scientific research ability of clinical masters has improved, it still needed to be improved. Conclusion The cultivation mode of "making clinical masters actively participate in research and combine scientific research with clinical practice" in a tertiary specialized hospital in Fujian province has achieved initial results, but it still needs to be further improved.
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