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顾惠贤△,马洪艳,张文祥,陈鹏德,姚蓝▲.基于数据挖掘的中药复方治疗糖尿病心肌病用药规律分析[J].中国医药科学,2023,(19):83-86        基金项目:新疆维吾尔自治区天山英才计划第三期(2021241);新疆维吾尔自治区“十四五”中医学重点学科项目(新教函{2022}112号)
Analysis of medication rule of traditional Chinese medicine compound formulas for diabetic cardiomyopathy based on data mining
中文关键词:  数据挖掘;复方;糖尿病心肌病;用药规律
英文关键词:Data mining; Compound formulas; Diabetic cardiomyopathy; Medication rules
顾惠贤△,马洪艳,张文祥,陈鹏德,姚蓝▲ 新疆医科大学中医学院,新疆乌鲁木齐 830057 
摘要点击次数: 283
全文下载次数: 401
      [摘要] 目的 总结中药复方治疗糖尿病心肌病的用药规律,为临床用药提供参考。 方法 基于文献检索平台筛选中药治疗糖尿病心肌病的文献并建立数据库,利用软件分析中药的性味归经、类别、证型、关联规则及聚类。 结果 使用频次排名前5位的中药分别是丹参、黄芪、麦冬、川芎、甘草;功效以活血化瘀药、补气药、补阴药、补血药、清热药为主;药性以温、寒为主;药味以甘味占比最高,归经以入心经为主,关联规则分析得到以丹参为核心的10个组合,聚类分析得到4个潜在方;以气阴两虚瘀血阻滞证和气阴两虚痰瘀互结证为主要中医证型。 结论 糖尿病心肌病为本虚标实之证,以“虚”“瘀”“痰”为主要病机,益气养阴、活血化瘀药对治疗糖尿病心肌病较为有效。
      [Abstract] Objective To summarize the medication rules of traditional Chinese medicine compound formulas in the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy, so as to provide a reference for clinical medication. Methods The literature on the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy with traditional Chinese medicine was screened based on the literature retrieval platform, and a database was established. The software was used to analyze the natures, flavors, meridian affinity, categories, patterns, association rules, and clustering of traditional Chinese medicine. Results The top 5 traditional Chinese medicines in terms of frequency of use are Salviae miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Danshen in Chinese), Astragali Radix (Huangqi in Chinese), Ophiopogonis Radix (Maidong in Chinese), Chuanxiong Rhizoma (Chuanxiong in Chinese), and Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma (Gancao in Chinese); The main functions include circulating blood and transforming stasis, tonifying qi, tonifying yin, tonifying blood, and clearing heat; The medicinal properties are mainly warm and cold; The highest proportion of medicinal flavor is sweetness, with the meridian mainly entering the heart meridian. Association rule analysis yielded 10 combinations with Danshen as the core, and cluster analysis yielded 4 potential formulas; The main traditional Chinese medicine patterns are qi and yin deficiency with stagnant blood obstructing the meridians pattern, and qi and yin deficiency with intertwined phlegm and blood stasis pattern. Conclusion Diabetic cardiomyopathy is a deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality pattern. The main pathogenesis is "deficiency", "blood stasis" and "phlegm". Traditional Chinese medicines for supplementing qi and nourishing yin, and circulating blood as well as transforming stasis are more effective in treating diabetic cardiomyopathy.
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