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潘瑛,曹辉▲.艾滋病合并巨细胞病毒感染患者1例抗病毒药物的合理性分析[J].中国医药科学,2023,(10):197-200        基金项目:江苏省药学会-天晴医院药学科研项目(Q2019001)
Analysis on the rationality of antiviral drugs in a patient with AIDS and cytomegalovirus infection
中文关键词:  艾滋病;巨细胞病毒感染;膦甲酸钠;更昔洛韦;合理应用
英文关键词:AIDS; Cytomegalovirus infection; Foscarnet sodium; Ganciclovir; Rational use
潘瑛,曹辉▲ 南京市第二医院药学部,江苏南京 210003 
摘要点击次数: 515
全文下载次数: 1373
      [摘要] 报道1例艾滋病合并巨细胞病毒(CMV)感染的病例,分析其抗病毒药物应用的合理性,为临床合理用药提供参考。对于该类病例,应根据患者的免疫功能和复杂多变的病情发展,选用适宜抗病毒药,以CMV-DNA为指标监测治疗效果,同时关注药物副反应以便调整给药方案。单用一种抗病毒药出现耐药时,可更换另一种或联合用药,直至患者CMV-DNA转阴,后续可采用口服抗病毒药维持治疗。
      [Abstract] This paper intends to report a patient with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, and analyze the rationality of the antiviral drugs used, aiming to provide reference for rational drug use clinically. In the treatment of such patients, it is recommended that, appropriate antiviral drugs should be selected based on the patient’s immune function and complex and unstable disease progression, the efficacy should be monitored by CMV-DNA as the indicator, and the side reactions of drugs should be paid attention to so that a more proper dosing regimen can be made. In case of resistance to one antiviral drug alone, another drug or a combination of drugs can be used until the CMV-DNA turns negative, and oral antiviral drugs can be used for subsequent maintenance treatment.
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