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曲海菁,高悦▲.医院抗菌药物临时采购应用分析[J].中国医药科学,2023,(10):171-174        基金项目:上海市临床药学重点专科建设项目(沪卫计药政〔2018〕9号)
The temporary procurement of antimicrobial agents in hospitals
中文关键词:  抗菌药物;临时采购;目录调整;合理用药
英文关键词:Antimicrobial agents; Temporary procurement; Catalog adjustment; Rational drug use
曲海菁,高悦▲ 上海市松江区中心医院药剂科,上海 201600 
摘要点击次数: 419
全文下载次数: 1293
      [摘要] 目的 针对医院抗菌药物临时采购与应用状况展开研究,从而有效指导临时采购此类药物的管理与应用。 方法 选择2021年7月至2022年6月上海市松江区中心医院启用办公自动化(OA)电子申请期间临时采购抗菌药物的品种、用药目的、科室分布、用药金额、疾病转归、病原学送检率等。 结果 本研究共涉及17次抗菌药物临时采购申请,包括6种抗菌药物,其中申请次数与所需费用最高的皆为注射用硫酸多黏菌素B,申请次数构成比占47.06%,使用金额构成比占93.22%;申请次数最高的科室为胸外科,占35.29%;临时采购的目的均为治疗用药,在疾病分布方面,占比最大的是肺部感染,其中91.79%的病例进行了病原学检测,阳性率达90.90%。疾病转归方面:好转13例,死亡3例,自动出院2例。 结论 我院抗菌药物临时采购无论是流程还是在应用方面皆基本合理,但是也提醒我们抗菌药物目录需适时根据临床需要进行调整。
      [Abstract] Objective To investigate the temporary procurement and application status of antimicrobial agents in hospitals, so as to effectively guide the management and implementation of temporary procurement of such agents. Methods The variety, purpose of use, distribution of departments, amount, disease outcome, and rate of sending for pathogenicity test related to antimicrobial agents procured temporarily from July 2021 to June 2022 when office automation (OA) electronic request was launched in Shanghai Songjiang District Central Hospital were statistically processed. Results This survey involved a total of 17 requests for temporary procurement of 6 types of antimicrobial agents, of which the highest number of requests (47.06%) and costs required (93.22%) were for polymyxin B sulfate for injection, and the department of thoracic surgery requested the most, accounting for 35.29%. The purpose of temporary procurement was for therapeutic use, mostly for pulmonary infections, and 91.79% of patients were tested pathogenically, with a positive rate of 90.90%. In terms of disease outcome: 13 patients resolved, 3 patients died, and 2 patients were automatically discharged from the hospital. Conclusion The process and implementation of temporary procurement of antimicrobial agents in our hospital are basically reasonable, and the antimicrobial agent catalog needs to be adjusted according to clinical needs in due course.
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