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汤少铉,叶国华.云浮市慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治状况调研[J].中国医药科学,19,(14):13-16        基金项目:广东省云浮市医药卫生科研立项课题(2017B27)
Investigation on prevention and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Yunfu
中文关键词:  慢性阻塞性肺疾病;防治;生活质量;药物
英文关键词:Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;Prevention and treatment;Quality of life;Drug
汤少铉,叶国华 广东省云浮市中医院,广东云浮 527300 
摘要点击次数: 565
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      目的 云浮市慢性阻塞性肺疾病防治状况调研。 方法 选择 2017 年 6 月~ 2019 年 4 月住院及急门诊收治的 769 例 COPD 高危人群作为研究对象,分析其一般资料,评估 COPD 的高危因素,并进行随诊,均提供肺功能检测与问卷调查,分析患者肺功能、男女比例、吸烟及治疗情况等,以肺功能检测结果作为COPD 的诊断依据,定期监测患者病情变化,掌握 COPD 疾病严重程度,制定最佳综合防治方案。 结果 769例 COPD 高危人群中男 493 例、女 276 例;其中 40 ~ 49 年龄段共 86 例,COPD 患病率 21 例(24.42%)、50 ~ 59 年龄段共 159 例,COPD 患病率 62 例(38.99%);60 ~ 69 年龄段共 205 例,COPD 患病率 117 例(57.07%);70 ~ 79 年龄段共 319 例,COPD 患病率 235 例(73.67%)。采用 Logistic 回归方程得出,BMI、 吸烟史、职业因素、呼吸系统疾病、心血管系统疾病均为 COPD 高危因素,P < 0.05。435 例患者中,病情严重分级:Ⅰ级 192 例(44.14%)、Ⅱ级 104 例(23.91%)、Ⅲ级 89 例(20.46%)、Ⅳ级 50 例(11.49%)。769 例高危人群中,干预后饮食知识完全掌握率 501 例(65.15%)、合理运动知识完全掌握率 554 例(72.04%)、疾病危险因素知识完全掌握率 611 例(79.45%)、健康生活行为知识完全掌握率 589 例(76.59%)。 结论 调研结果显示 COPD 高危人群发病率较高,高危因素包括 BMI、吸烟史、职业因素、呼吸系统疾病、心血管系统疾病,而针对危险因素加强健康宣教,做好积极预防工作,可提高患者对疾病健康知识掌握率。
      Objective To investigate the prevention and treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Yunfu. Methods 769 high-risk COPD patients who were admitted to the inpatient department,emergency department and outpatients department from June 2017 to April 2019 as selected as research objects.General data of them were analyzed to evaluate high risks of COPD.They were followed up and given pulmonary function examination and questionnaire survey to analyze pulmonary function of patients,male to female ratio,smoking and treatment.The detection results of lung function were seen as the diagnosis basis of COPD.Patient’s illness conditions were regularly monitored,the severity of COPD was mastered and best comprehensive prevention and treatment scheme were made. Results Among the 769 high-risk COPD patients,there were 493 male cases and 276 female cases.Among them,86 patients were aged 40 to 49 years and the prevalence of COPD was 24.42% (21 cases).There were 159 patients in the 50 to 59 age group and the prevalence of COPD was 38.99% (62 cases).There were 205 patients in the 60 to 69 age group and the prevalence of COPD was 57.07% (117 cases).There were 319 patients aged 70 to 79 years,and the prevalence of COPD was 73.67% (235 cases).Logistic regression equation showed that BMI (body mass index),smoking history,occupational factors,respiratory disease and cardiovascular diseases were all high risk factors for COPD,P < 0.05.In 435 COPD patients,there were 192 cases (44.14%) with severity grade of stage Ⅰ ,104 cases (23.91%) with severity grade of stage Ⅱ ,89 cases (20.46%) with severity grade of stage Ⅲ and 50 cases (11.49%) with severity grade of stage Ⅳ .Among the 769 high-risk groups,501 cases (65.15%) had complete knowledge of diet after intervention,554 cases (72.04%) had complete knowledge of reasonable exercise,611 cases (79.45%) had complete knowledge of disease risk factors and 589 cases (76.59%) had complete knowledge of healthy living behavior. Conclusion The results show that the incidence of COPD is higher in high-risk groups.High risk factors include BMI, smoking history,occupational factors,respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases.Strengthening health education for risk factors and doing active prevention work can improve the patients’ mastery of disease and health knowledge.
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